Australia’s Future Fat Bomb A report …

Australia’s Future Fat Bomb A report on the long-term consequences of Australia’s expanding waistline on cardiovascular disease also articles on obesity prevention from ANZ health policy.
Aus Baker Inst (Jun 2008)

Linking SAAP, child protection and juvenile justice data collections: a feasibility study concludes that linkage is technically feasible and that both the SAAP and juvenile justice data collections have data currently suitable for linkage. Linkage with the child protection data collection would be dependent on the successful implementation of the planned national minimum data set.
Aus AIHW (Jun 2008)

Linking Schools and Early Years Services Final Report an exploration of directions from the evidence • a review of policy directions in early childhood services and schools across Australia • a review of international and Australian community school models.
Vic RCH (JUn 2008)

Inequalities in young people’s health patterns of health among young people aged 11, 13 and 15 years in 41 countries and regions across the WHO European Region and North America in 2005/2006.
WHO Europe (Jun 2008)

Common Mental Health Problems: Supporting school staff by taking positive action focuses on common mental health problems in schools
UK CSF (Jun 2008)

European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being focuses on four priority themes: Prevention of Suicide and Depression, Mental Health in Youth and Education, Mental Health in Workplace Settings and Mental Health in Older People. Combating Stigma and Social Exclusion is a priority which runs through across all thematic areas.
WHO Europe (Jun 2008)

A good house is hard to find: Housing affordability in Australia recommends that, given the very high levels of housing stress, overcrowding and homelessness experienced by Indigenous Australians, all levels of government should give priority to addressing their high level of unmet need for public and community housing under all exiting programmes
Aus Senate (Jun 2008)

Housing Affordability Fund Consultation Paper a Consultation Paper seeking submissions and comments to assist in finalising the design of the Housing Affordability Fund program, including processes for selecting suitable projects.
Aus FaHSCIA (Jun 2008)

The future of the private rented sector focuses on addressing the major challenges facing both small and large landlords, and on what can be done to bring new, affordable private rented properties onto the market.
UK Smith Inst (Jun 2008)

A Guide to Engaging Muslim Communities The emphasis is on engaging with poorer communities that are likely to be socially excluded and may be directly affected by housing or regeneration programmes.
UK Chartered Institute of Housing (Jun 2008)

New directions for child protection in Tasmania and action plan for children in care and action plan for family services
Tas DHHS (Jun 2008)

National Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan for Children and Young People aims to enable more effective protection, provision, prevention and participation for all children, young people and their families affected, or at risk of being affected, by domestic abuse in Scotland more
Scotland (Jun 2008)

Youth Transitioning From Foster Care: Background, Federal Programs, and Issues for Congress at a minimum, young people need better support to build stronger connections with caring adults before leaving foster care and should have the option to remain in care upon reaching their 18th or 19th birthdays.
US Congress (May 2008)

Scotland. The Adoption Support Services and Allowances Regulations 2008 Consultation on Draft Regulations
Scotland (Jun 2008)

DHHS Review of Tasmanian Disability Services – June 2008 the strategic direction and best practice service models needed in order to use available resources in an equitable, cost effective and sustainable way.
Tas DHHS (Jun 2008)

Transforming the quality of dementia care: consultation on a National Dementia Strategy aims to ensure significant improvements across three key areas in relation to dementia services: improved awareness, earlier diagnosis and intervention, and a higher quality of care. also new US data : Alzheimer’s disease now sixth-leading cause of death in US
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Australian Dementia Research: current status, future directions? The report recommends that funding for dementia research be set at 1.5% of the direct cost of dementia or $36 million per annum.
Aus Alzheimers Assn (Jun 2008)

The nature and impact of caring for family members with a disability in Australia It is estimated that in 2003 there were 474,600 primary carers providing care to a person because of disability or old age.
AIFS (Jun 2008)

Growing Up In Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children Most parents said that their child was in good to excellent health. However, one in four children (24 per cent) aged 6-7 years had been diagnosed with asthma, and 66 per cent of these children had taken medication for this condition in the previous 12 months.
AIFS (Jun 2008)

Caring for vulnerable babies: the reorganisation of neonatal services in England looks at the ability of the system to meet increased demand for neonatal services, the benefits of networking neonatal units, recruitment and training of staff and the impact on health inequalities. press release BBC news report: Neonatal nurse shortage warning
UK Public Accounts Committee (Jun 2008)

Evaluation of the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy 2000-2004 designed to help build family and community capacity to deal with challenges and take advantage of opportunities, with a special focus on those at-risk of social, economic and geographic isolation…In 2007 the evaluation was awarded the Best Evaluation Study Award of the Australasian Evaluation Society
Vic RMIT (May 2008)

NHS Resilience and Business Continuity Management Guidance aims to ensure through the adoption of resilience principles the continuous operational delivery of healthcare services when faced with a range of disruptive challenges e.g. staff shortages, denial of access, failures in technology, loss of utility services and failure of key suppliers.
UK Health (Jun 2008)

What Matters to Staff in the NHS identifies the major emotional and behaviour drivers contributing to staff engagement and motivation to provide high quality patient care.
UK Health (Jun 2008)

The National Education and Competence Framework for assistant critical care practitioners Good practice framework describing the education, skills and competences of critical care practitioners practising at the assistant level.
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Evidence and Healthy Public Policy: Insights from Health and Political Sciences what constitutes evidence in policy-making, and what models of policy-making are available in political science that can inform our understanding of how evidence is used or not used to develop healthy public policy?
Can CPRN (Jun 2008)

Evidence-Informed Case Rates: Paying for Safer, More Reliable Care a portion of payment is withheld and redistributed based on providers’ performance on measures of clinical processes, care outcomes, and patient experiences.
US Commonwealth Fund (Jun 2008)

Evidence based evaluation of the scale of disproportionate decisions on risk assessment and management provides some limited support to the suggestion that there are significant concerns about health and safety considerations restricting activities that offer social,
educational and other benefits,…and support for taking steps to clarify what is a sensible approach to H&S as well as addressing perceptions about the risk of litigation/prosecution and how best to respond to these perceptions.
UK HSE (Jun 2008)

Guiding principles on medical tourism The nine principles are the first-of-its-kind, and outline steps for care abroad for consideration by patients, employers, insurers and third-parties responsible for coordinating travel outside of the U.S.
US AMA (Jun 2008)

Shamed and Able: How firms respond to being rated examines how firms respond to third-party ratings of their corporate environmental activities…policymakers can promote change by lowering costs of investments that elicit environmental performance improvements. Examples include providing technical assistance or subsidies to facilitate knowledge transfer to or between firms. also Economist Under the spotlight: The transition of environmental risk management
US Harvard Business (May 2008)

UK-wide ‘scores on the doors’ scheme on hygiene standards in food businesses (England) proposals for establishing a UK-wide ‘scores on the doors’ (SOTD) scheme to provide consumers with information about hygiene standards in food businesses.
UK Food (May 2008)

A Road Map for Juvenile Justice Reform change requires a strengthened focus on achieving results and on collecting and analyzing the data required to hold systems accountable for them. In too many jurisdictions, juvenile justice systems are not judged by the progress of their youth or the safety of communities.more from Kids Count databook 2008 Four areas have worsened: low-birthweight babies, children living in families where no parent has full time year round employment, children in poverty, and children in single parent families.
US Annie E Casey (Jun 2008)

Young Runaways Action Plan it is essential that Government, local delivery agencies and the voluntary sector work together to put in place those services that will prevent young runaways coming to harm
UK DCF (Jun 2008)

Lifelong Family Connections: Supporting Permanence for Children in Foster Care We need to both require and enable these systems to decrease the numbers of kids who are unnecessarily removed from their families; reduce the time that kids who are removed
must spend in temporary out-of-home care; and increase the numbers of kids who have a permanent, lifelong family.
US Annie E Casey (Jun 2008)

Early Detection of Chronic Diseases: Disparities, Uncertainties and Behavioral Implications utilizing testing service as a commodity choice in different racial/ethnic groups, simulation-based interpretation of lung cancer screening trials, and the possible behavioral effects of the screening experience.
US Rand (Jun 2008)

Hospital Stays Related to Asthma for Adults, 2005 Nearly three-fourths of stays principally for asthma were admitted from the emergency department.
US AHRQ (Jun 2008)

New Report Finds Highest-Ever Levels Of THC in U.S. Marijuana Increased Potency of Smoked Marijuana May Be Responsible for Serious Mental Health Consequences for Teens
US ONDCP (Jun 2008)

Adolescents and Alcohol: Changing perspectives and new challenges South Australian conference and literature review
SA Education (May 2008)

South Australia’s Strategic Plan: How well is it addressing inequality in South Australia? an explanation of inequality and why it is useful to monitor it over time; some of the challenges in measuring inequality;
SA PHIDU (Jun 2008)

Housing consumption patterns and earnings behaviour of income support recipients over time the study has been principally concerned with issues about patterns of housing consumption among people on IS. This includes the housing arrangements and circumstances of income support recipients (ISRs) over time, the possible relationships between changes in tenure, changes in income and other changes in the characteristics or circumstances of ISRs
AHURI (Jun 2008)

Draft Charter for Bereaved People brings together many of the services bereaved people will receive from coroners in a reformed system.
UK Justice (Jun 2008)

Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning: Legal and Policy Issues provides an overview of the evolving legal landscape of end-of-life decision making generally, and advance directives specifically, and identifies current challenges and opportunities for promoting the goals of advance care planning.
US DHHS (Oct 2007)

13 June 2008

Services to Young Offenders examines the extent to which diversionary and rehabilitation services provided by the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria (MCV) maximise diversion of young offenders from the criminal justice system, reduce the risk of reoffending and improve rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.
Vic Audit (Jun 2008)

Diversion of Indigenous juvenile offenders For all states, Indigenous young offenders were more likely than non-Indigenous offenders to be referred to court, non-Indigenous offenders were more likely to receive a police caution, and males and older offenders were more likely to be diverted.
AIC (Jun 2008)

Inquiry into children and young people 9-14 years in NSW Submission focusing on 10 to 14 year olds in the juvenile justice system more submissions
NSW PIAC (May 2008)

Performance Reporting in Local Government reviews the effectiveness of performance reporting by councils focusing on the performance statements produced annually.
Vic Audit (Jun 2008)

Implementation of the Criminal Justice Enhancement Program (CJEP) The Criminal Justice Enhancement Program (CJEP) is a highly complex major information technology project of the Department of Justice (the department). CJEP’s aim was to improve the information systems environment that supports the administration of criminal justice within Victoria
Vic Audit (Jun 2008)

National palliative care performance indicators: results of the 2007 performance indicator data collection Overall, services reported a similar level of performance against indicators as in 2006, with the exception of assessment of agencies against Palliative Care Australia (PCA) standards (performance indicator 2), which continued the decline observed between 2005 and 2006.
AIHW (Jun 2008)

Elective surgery in Australia: new measures of access people living in remote areas and those in the more disadvantaged socioeconomic groups made use of publicly-funded elective surgery at higher rates than other people.
AIHW (Jun 2008)

Residential aged care in Australia 2006-07: a statistical overview More aged care residents need higher levels of care than ever before, with 70% of permanent residents requiring high level care compared to 58% a decade ago
AIHW (Jun 2008)

Guidelines for the establishment and management of clinical registries Draft version 2 focuses on ensuring that such registries add value over and above the routine collection of data and have clearly specified and timely mechanisms to provide feedback into clinical practice, including reporting and benchmarking and more
ACSQH (May 2008)

National Patient Charter of Rights Consultation Report and more
ACSQH (May 2008)

Private Hospitals, Australia, 2006-07 Acute hospitals, Psychiatric hospitals and Free-standing day hospital facilities.
ABS (May 2008)

South Australia’s Country Health Care Plan The South Australian Government’s plan for country health care over the next ten years.
SA Health (Jun 2008)

Is the Treatment Working? Progress with the NHS System Reform Programme looks at the ambitious programme of market-style reforms that aim to improve efficiency and effectiveness and were first set out in the NHS Plan of 2000. It evaluates the key elements: giving patients more choice; greater NHS use of the independent sector; the creation of foundation trusts; practice based commissioning; and Payment by Results. It also reviewed the impact of major changes to employment contracts with NHS staff.
UK Audit (Jun 2008)

Extending Professional Regulation Working Group Interim Report: Protecting the public by ensuring that workforce standards are met creating a common approach across the UK for determining which healthcare professional and occupational groups should be subject to regulation now and in the future, and the most appropriate type of regulation for these professional and occupational groups.
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Draft Ethical Guidelines for Intervention Studies public consultations on proposed ethical guidelines for clinical trials and related types of health research.
NZ Health (Jun 2008)

Identifying risk, taking action: Monitor’s approach to service performance in NHS foundation trusts how the independent regulator of NHS Foundation Trusts assesses service performance
UK NHS (Jun 2008)

Employment Screening Policy sets out the changes that apply to the mandatory requirements and procedures for the undertaking of Employment Screening of preferred applicants seeking employment for paid and unpaid positions in NSW Health
NSW Health (Jun 2008)

Coming Clean and Cleaning Up: Is Voluntary Disclosure a Signal of Effective Self-Policing? As regulators increasingly embrace cooperative approaches to governance, voluntary public-private partnerships and self-regulation programs have proliferated. However, because few have been subjected to robust evaluation, little is known about whether these innovative approaches are achieving their objectives and enhancing regulatory effectiveness.
US Harvard (Jun 2008)

UK Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Code of Practice and regulations: report on consultation a definition of ‘deprivation of liberty’ could not be included because it is defined by case law
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Carers at the heart of 21st century families and communities: a caring system on your side, a life of your own UK Carers strategy
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Self care: a national view in 2007 compared to 2004-05 Only some specific changes have occurred between 2004-05 and 2007 in the self care behaviours and views of the public, indicating that it would take longer for the full impact to be realised of recent policies and programmes supporting self care.
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Under One Roof: Will polyclinics deliver integrated care? Government policy is driving a fundamental shift of care from hospitals to more community-based settings. There is a growing expectation that this shift will be supported by the development of a network of new facilities in which primary, community and secondary care services are co-located, often referred to as polyclinicsand news release
UK Kings Fund (Jun 2008)

Why Children Die: A pilot study Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health has published the final report of its child death review study
UK CEMACH (May 2008)

Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities: Statistics and Interventions provides information regarding US child deaths resulting from abuse or neglect by a parent or primary caregiver.see also Best Practices in Prevention-Oriented Child Death Review
US CWIG (Mar 2008)

Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Uniform Definitions for Public Health and Recommended Data Elements presents a definition of child maltreatment, its associated terms, and recommended data elements for voluntary use by individuals and organizations in the public health community.
US CDC (2008)

Differential Response to Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect CPS agencies offer both traditional investigations and assessment alternatives to families reported for child abuse and neglect, depending on the severity of the allegation and other considerations.
US Child Welfare (Feb 2008)

Adoption: Access to Information and Intermediary Services aimed at UK practitioners working with adopted adults and birth relatives who wish to find out about an adoption, and may wish to trace and establish contact with their birth relatives through the provision of intermediary services
UK Children (Jun 2008)

Children’s sense of safety: children’s experiences of childhood in contemporary Australia The findings suggested that even though on the surface the vast majority of children surveyed believe that Australia is a good place to grow up in, many of them reflect an undercurrent of worry and concern for their own safety and the protection of other children…The internet, in particular, is perceived as a new source of anxiety and threat for a large number of children and young people
Aus ACF (May 2008)

A Profile of Healthy Start: Findings From Phase I of the Evaluation 2006 Retention of clients after giving birth is a goal of Healthy Start, because it means that the low-income, predominantly minority mothers and their children who enrolled in the program remain linked to ongoing sources of primary care…about 75 percent of their pregnant clients are still enrolled in the program two years after giving birth
US HRSA (May 2008)

Australian community sector survey 2008 found a 6.3% increase in the number of people assisted by community service agencies between 2005-06 and 2006-07, accompanied by a 24% increase in the number of eligible people who were turned away from the services they needed.
ACOSS (Jun 2008)

Part Time Employment: the Australian Experience an overview of the changing role of part-time work in Australia
Aus Productivity Comm (Jun 2008)

Work-Life Policies for the Twenty-First Century Economy reviews the evidence regarding work-life conflicts, the economic case for policy initiatives, and effectiveness of the policy options.
US CEPR (Jun 2008)

Green IT in Enterprise Practices: The Essential Role of the State CIO By looking at enterprise hardware through its lifecycle of acquisition, utilization and disposal, addressing energy efficiency in state offices and data centers, and by enabling green practices through the utilization of IT, state CIOs can play a key role in reducing their state’s carbon footprint.
US NASCIO (Jun 2008)

Increasing Transparency in the Pricing of Health Care Services and Pharmaceuticals Some observers believe that if individuals know the prices of health care services, they are more likely to seek out less expensive providers or treatments and to question how effective the care they are purchasing is likely to be.
US Congressional Budget Office (Jun 2008)

Managing Radioactive Waste Safely: A framework for implementing geological disposal The UK has accumulated a substantial legacy of radioactive waste from a variety of different nuclear programmes, both civil and defence-related.
UK DEFRA (Jun 2008)

Solaria in Tasmania – Options for Regulating Voluntary compliance with the current Australian/New Zealand Standard on Solaria for Cosmetic Purposes (AS/NZS 2635:2002) has been shown to be insufficient and further action, which involves enforceable regulation, needs to be considered.
Tas Health (May 2008)

More Action Needed to Protect Public from Indoor Radon Risks Radon is an odorless, tasteless, and invisible gas produced by the decay of naturally occurring uranium present in soil, rock, and water throughout the United States…indoor radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in America, after smoking.
US EPA (May 2008)

Eating as an Automatic Behavior A revised view of eating as an automatic behavior, as opposed to one that humans can self-regulate, has profound implications for our response to the obesity epidemic, suggesting that the focus should be less on nutrition education and more on shaping the food environment.
US Rand (Jun 2008)

Ensuring Organizational Resilience and Employee Well-Being Through Crisis Communications practical strategies for educating and protecting employees before, during and after a crisis event.
US Varoli (May 2008)

Evaluation of Social HomeBuy Pilot Scheme for Affordable Housing: Final Report focuses on the motivations behind the involvement of participating landlords and their experience of barriers to the implementation of the scheme both from an organisational and a tenant perspective.
UK Communities (Jun 2008)

Rural Housing in Wales: Final report An independent analysis of the levels of housing need in rural Wales, its causes, and recommendations for positive policy and practice change.
UK Joseph Rowntree (Jun 2008)

Housing and disabled children Families with a disabled child are more likely to be renting their homes than families with non-disabled children.
UK Joseph Rowntree (Jun 2008)

Fire safety risk assessment – Sleeping accommodation premises include: houses in multiple occupation; the common areas of flats and maisonettes; common areas of sheltered accommodation where care is not provided; Areas in work places where staff ‘sleeping in’ is a condition of the employment or a business requirement as in licensed premises or hotels.
Wales Housing (Jun 2008)

Service Provision for Detainees with Problematic Drug and Alcohol Use in Police Detention: A Comparative Study of Selected Countries in the European Union explores legislation, policy and practice for problematic drug and alcohol users during police detention in eight countries in the EU.
Euro Inst for Crime Prevention (Mar 2008)

Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning for People with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities The concerns, perspectives, and values of people with disabilities have often been overlooked in the extensive research, programs, and policies regarding advance directives, advance care planning and end-of-life care more generally.
US AHRQ (2007)

Buy and Make a Difference: How to address social issues in public procurement a practical guide to show public procurers how they can help address social concerns in what they buy and in their expectations of suppliers.
UK OGC (Jun 2008)

5 June 2008

Australia 2020 Summit – Final Report includes A long term national health strategy and Strengthening communities, supporting
families and social inclusion
(May 2008)

Snapshot of Australian primary health care research recent Australian research projects demonstrating the potential for primary health care research to improve the health of Australians.
Aus PHCRIS (Jun 2008)

Managing e-Business Applications–Follow-up Audit a performance audit in the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace
Relations…progress on recommendations concerning improvements to the department’s IT governance, recordkeeping, performance monitoring and to its reviews of IT including Internet services.
Aus Audit (Jun 2008)

Evaluation of the impact of accreditation on the delivery of quality of care and quality of life to residents in Australian Government subsidised residential aged care homes Minister releases accreditation report by previous government
Aus Health (Jun 2008)

Developing the NHS Performance Regime is designed to afford greater transparency and consistency across the NHS in relation to: identifying underperformance; interventions to address turnaround; and managing failure
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Public Housing in Australia: Stigma, Home and Opportunity argues that declining investment, political neglect, social stigma, and concentration of poverty in the sector have detracted from a broader understanding of the significant role and need for public housing in Australia…Fundamentally the labelling of the sector with a welfare role has contributed to the rationale that public housing serves as a depository for individuals with acute needs, rather than the basis for integration into economic and social opportunity.
Tas HACRU (May 2008)

Housing Corporation: Life in affordable housing examines the kinds of affordable housing people want, the aspects of their homes they like and don’t like and the issues that need to be addressed to improve housing for tenants.
UK Housing Corp (Jun 2008)

Towards an ageing society final evaluation report of the Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust’s housing programme for older people.
UK Housing Corp (Jun 2008)

Innovation and Good Practice in Regenerating Communities: Learning from the Housing Market Pathfinders examples of the activities that are likely to be useful in all housing market contexts, as well as to all those operating at a local level to tackle unpopular housing and in regenerating areas suffering from multiple deprivation.
UK Audit (Jun 2008)

Just Care? A fresh approach to adult services starts from a central point: the state cannot support adults with care needs to maximise their independence without better supporting care within families and across communities.
UK IPPR (Jun 2008)

An analysis of the 2008-09 health budget Total Commonwealth Government spending in health is $46.03 billion in 2008-09 or $241 billion / 5 years, averaging around 15.7 percent of total budget spending…Total expenses for health is estimated to increase by 5.2% in real terms over the forward estimates, or on average by around 1.7% pa.
Aus AHPI (May 2008)

Centre for Policy Development submission to the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (NHHRC) CPD agrees that any major reform of our health care system needs to identify consistent principles which must underpin all health policy decisions and provide a context and framework for funding allocation and other decision-making.

Is Hospital Treatment in Australia Inequitable? Evidence from the HILDA Survey higher income patients are financially more attractive
to health care providers because they generate higher fees. The policy implications of this suggests it is not just about health care services being in the right place, but also about the preferences of health care providers and the incentives they face.
Aus CHERE (Mar 2008)

Becoming a High Reliability Organization: Operational Advice for Hospital Leaders High reliability concepts are tools that a growing number of hospitals are using to help achieve their safety, quality, and efficiency goals.
US AHRQ (Feb 2008)

The Price of Excess: Identifying waste in healthcare spending Defensive medicine, such as redundant, inappropriate or unnecessary tests and procedures, was identified as the biggest area of excess, followed by inefficient healthcare administration and the cost of care necessitated by conditions such as obesity, which can be considered preventable by lifestyle changes.
US PWC (Mar 2008)

Paying for Performance: Incentives and the English Health System This trend represents a fundamental shift away from other healthcare payment systems in which reimbursement tends to be based on the quantity of services instead of health system quality.
US PWC (Mar 2008)

Implementing the White Paper Trust, Assurance and Safety: enhancing confidence in healthcare professional regulatorsfinal report and DH response to recommendations
UK Health (Jun 2008)

American Health Insurance Plans Proposal to Reduce Health Care Costs Disease management, care coordination, prevention, moving from paper to electronic transactions, transitioning to a value-based payment system, and addressing how new technology can be most effectively introduced into the system will allow the country to achieve more value for its health care investment.
AHIP (May 2008)

Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations: A Policy to Increase Value from Health Care Expenditures An interdisciplinary examination of rates of avoidable hospitalizations in France and England to evaluate access to primary care and identify the extent to which these countries may be able to reduce hospital costs by investing in disease management and primary care
US International Longevity Center (Mar 2008)

The economic cost of wait times in Canada examines the cost of waiting longer than medically recommended for treatment. The costs of these “excess waits” are relevant to policy-makers because they measure costs that could be avoided if wait times were reduced or eliminated.
Can Centre for Spatial Economics (2008)

Tracking the Care of Patients with Severe Chronic Illness: The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2008 proposes new ways of thinking about how to achieve better care coordination and reduce the overuse of acute care hospital services.
US DAP (May 2008)

Implementing the National Stroke Strategy – an imaging guide sets out best practice and provides guidance on how imaging services may develop to provide gold standard TIA and stroke care.
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Injury among young Australians Transport accidents and suicide are the two leading causes of injury death among young people
AIHW (Jun 2008)

Preventing Future Child Deaths – A Study of ‘Early Starter’ Child Death Overview Panels in England focussed on the evaluation of establishing systems; data collection; and data analysis and outputs from child death review processes.
UK Children (May 2008)

Towards a strategy to support volunteering in health and social care: consultation will provide a framework through which to pursue long-term organisational and culture change across the whole system to support volunteering more effectively
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Enhancing family and relationship service accessibility and delivery to culturally and linguistically diverse families in Australia
Aus AFRC (May 2008)

The Rural Mental Health Emergency and Critical Care Access Plan assists rural areas to develop an implementation plan based on networking of services from regional bases
NSW Health (Jun 2008)

Mental Illness Needs Indices In different types of area, people are more or less likely to suffer with mental illnesses. To some extent this can be predicted from characteristics of the population measured by the census or other types of survey. Mental health needs indices estimate by how much. A needs index of 0.8 suggests that there will be 20% less illness in an area than in the country as a whole, an index of 1.2 suggests 20% more…UK example based on (MINI) 1991 for predicted hospital admissions, MINI2000 for Predicted admissions, National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2000 .
UK APHO (May 2008)

Paying the Price : the cost of mental health care in England to 2026 suggests that significant investment in evidence-based services could help thousands back to productive work. The report reveals that mental illness in England cost £50 billion in 2007 news release
UK Kings Fund (May 2008)

Responding to substance abuse and offending in Indigenous communities : review of diversion programs outlines the diversion programs currently operating, including those for Indigenous offenders.
Aus AIC (May 2008)

Cardiovascular disease and its associated risk factors in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2004-05 As many as one in eight Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have some form of cardiovascular disease
Aus AIHW (Jun 2008)

Low-income Groups and Behaviour Change Interventions: A review of intervention content and effectiveness asks which interventions are effective in getting people to quit smoking, eat healthily and exercise
UK Kings Fund (May 2008)

Working towards wellness: The business rationale presents data describing the accelerating prevalence of chronic disease and offers a compelling business case for the role workplace wellness programs can play in combating this problem of epidemic proportions.
US PWC (Mar 2008)

Youth Alcohol Action Plan sets out the UK Government’s five priorities
UK Children (Jun 2008)

Violence by Teenage Girls: Trends and Context There is no burgeoning national crisis of increasing serious violence among adolescent girls.
US OJJDP (May 2008)

Youth Courts: An Empirical Update and Analysis of Future Organizational and Research Needs results will provide guidance on how to build and sustain an organizational structure that allows youth courts to successfully fulfill their mission of preventing young offenders from repeating antisocial behaviors, while relying on volunteers and even ex-offenders to be a part of the process.
US OJJDP (Apr 2008)

Towards the New Children in Need Census The Children in Need (CIN) census provided data on all children receiving support from Children’s Social Care Services. The census ceased in 2005 and is being reintroduced in 2008-09.
UK Children (Jun 2008)

Residential Traffic and Children’s Respiratory Health Our findings provide evidence that even in an area with good regional air quality, proximity to traffic is associated with adverse respiratory health effects in children.
US EHP (May 2008)

Commonly used public health statistics and their confidence intervals common types of statistics used within public health intelligence, specifically: rates, proportions, means and age-standardised rates and ratios.
UK APHO (Mar 2008)

Introducing a “Different Lives” Approach to the Valuation of Health and Well-Being whilst virtually everyone accepts that improving the quality of individual lives should be the goal of policy, there are different conceptions of the quality of an individual life… An exploratory survey indicates that health and happiness might be more important than income and life expectancyalso Happiness Research and Cost-Benefit Analysis
US AEI-Brookings (Apr 2008)

HIV in Correctional Settings: Implications for Prevention and Treatment Policy HIV/AIDS has a disproportionate impact on incarcerated populations in the U.S., with prevalence among prisoners more than three times higher than the general U.S. population
US AMFAR (Mar 2008)

Report of the Association of American Medical Colleges Task Force on Industry Funding of Medical Education examining the benefits and pitfalls associated with industry funding of medical education
US AAMC (Jun 2008)

The Power of Information /New Directions in Health System Reform The Summit defined three key healthcare goals that can and should be advanced today through the better use of current health-related information: put people first, enable systematic quality care, and pay for value.
US Avalere Health (2008)

BreastScreen Australia monitoring report 2004-2005 Around 1.2 million women aged 50-69 years of age (56.2% of all women in this age group) took advantage of free mammograms in 2004-2005
Aus AIHW (Jun 2008)

Designed for Disease The Link Between Local Food Environments and Obesity and Diabetes demonstrates that people who live
near an abundance of fast-food restaurants and convenience stores compared to grocery stores and fresh produce vendors, have
a significantly higher prevalence of obesity and diabetes.
US UCLA (Mar 2008)

Consultation on the future of tobacco control measures to reduce the significant harm to health
UK Health (Jun 2008)

Tobacco tax benefits for Massachusetts : reducing smoking, saving lives, and saving money A $1.00 increase to the state cigarette tax rate would generate more than $150 million in additional new state revenue. But the rate increase would also produce enormous public health and economic benefits to the state and its residents
US Campaign for Tobaccoo Free Kids (Apr 2008)

Quality Matters: Developmental Screening low screening rates mean there are many missed opportunities to intervene early and promote children’s health, learning, and school readiness
US Commonwealth Fund (May 2008)

A model for best practice Health Technology Assessment aims to review and describe different approaches to HTA used in Australia and in other countries and to identify the features of best practice in HTA, particularly those likely to be most relevant to HTA at a local (ie state/regional) level.
Aus CHERE (Mar 2008)

Hospital emergency surge capacity : not ready for the “predictable surprise” Surge capacity depends on more than sufficient space in the emergency room. A hospital must also be able to provide sufficient critical care resources, such as space in intensive care units, and inpatient beds. also Price Waterhouse Coopers : Looking at Health System Disaster Preparedness
US House of Representatives (May 2008)

See me, not just the dementia: Understanding people’s experiences of living in a care home Inspectors used a new method called SOFI (A Short Observational Framework for Inspection), to watch the interaction between people with dementia and care home staff.
UK CSCI (Jun 2008)

Improving Environments for Care at End of Life adapting the Enhancing the Healing Environment (EHE) to these sensitive health care environments and Improving Choice at End of Life
UK KIngs Fund (Apr 2008)

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